

>From time to time individuals on this network report unusual reactions to the
various "standard" drugs for PD. Reactions that are not usually reported in
the literature or well known. It has been suggested that a survey be
conducted to compile such responses and I am undertaking to do that. It will
not be scientific; it will include "anecdotal" information; but it may prove
to be helpful to others.

Therefore I am asking that you let me know of your PD drug reactions that you
feel may be unusual. For example, it is generally known that many of these
drugs cause nausea when initially taken - so skip that, and let us know the
odd reactions you may have had.

In an effort NOT to clog the system DO NOT send your response to the List
Server or click "Reply" on your computer. Instead send your response directly
to me at

[log in to unmask]

If there is sufficient response, I shall post this message about once a week
for awhile and hopefully will be able to compile sufficient data that it will
be worth reporting back to you.

Info requested: 1) your medication regimen 2) if you have had NO reaction 3)
if you have had unusually reactions, please describe 4) if you have any
explanations, or any given to you for these reactions 5) any other pertinent

Let us hope this will be worthwhile. And remember, send responses directly to
me, not the listserver.
