

Barbara Mallut wrote:
> Dennis G....
> Thank YOU, Dennis, for your exquisite sense of timing in posting your "THIS IS
> WAR" message.  I needed something like that message to give myself the impetus
> to bite the bullet and bring up the issue of  what PD really is and what it
> really is LIKE to my employer, Microsoft, where I'm employed as a private
> contractor (making me NOT an actual employee) on contract to manage the
> "Chronic Disease & Disorders Forum," on MSN (The Microsoft Network)

> The added work with the mouse is killing me (and yes, I've tried every
> available alternative).   Just picture YOUR most frustrating moments using a
> mouse or the 'puter, and multiply that by 7 days a week, 10 hours a day.
> Awful, huh?  I end up spending hours doing what my peers do in minutes, with
> all my concentration going into making that damn mouse work with my clumsy
> fingers rather then expending the energy on the actual PROJECT.  In the
> process, I'd actually FORGET the project due to the intense concentration with
> the mouse.  It's eating at me that I can't win this one battle 'cause it's so
> darn important that SOMEHOW the HTML gets done............................
> ......................................................
> Barb Mallut

Probably Bill Gates does'n knows what is going on with you,if he is that
inteligent guy that we all imagine...since IMHO yours talents that we
all are able to reckonize should not be misspend in this continous figth
against the darn mouse...and let go the richest part of what could had
been produced by you.But that is life sometimes...

Cheery yo! (am I rigth?,I hope)  :-)

   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
   |         [log in to unmask]     |
   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+