

        I am a new member to your group, I am looking
for information on parkinsons for my mother, I am interested
in the ups and downs of sinemet cr, could anyone tell me what
the usual dose of sinemet cr is ? just for comparison, we are
not changing it without the doctor's say so...

        I have gained a lot of helpfull information from this
group in my first 24 hours, I thank you all,I am in the prosess
 of changing doctors, we need more info than " take 2 sinemet and
see you in three months" It is good to see such an active group
sharing information, and it is helpfull to know the symptoms that
are parkinsons and not unusual. If I am actualy sending out this
message, like I think I am, ( I'm new to computers and Internet)
I wish you all well, and thank you for your help.
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