

I am trying to get a discussion that is nationwide to consider what I
believe was a bungled re-basising of the CPI.  This is not directly the
focus of this cyberspace self-help support group, but we have included
political activism.

This is an addition that you might consider in your messages and letters
to the President and Congress.  It has implications that are very
widespread and complexly related BUT ONE of them is that the federal
revenues outgoing have ben too high for about 25 years now. THE
EXPONENTIAL future revenues projections of needed revenues to managable
increases.  Unfortunately, much damage in the form of the national debt
- which is the driver of dollar deflation - has occurred. IT GETS WORSE
EVERY MONTH until the basis is CORRECTED.

Since the CPI is one "driver" - the other being the basis-escalation
aspect of the COLA (mis-)calculation (which is also non-sane because it
is circular->spiral-upward wage-price-spiral) - is very important to the
economic re-distribution of the fruits of labor and initiative, it
should be accurate.

Since it has not been accurate for 25 years now, I think we should force
government to answer these questions:

The question: "Why does the projection of any arbitrary historical datum
of constant-dollar per capita consumption expended - especially choosing
the 1929 (any early) datum - using the ratio [of any CPI series -
index-value of the prior year to the datum divided by the index-value of
the year prior to that] to produce the next point of the projection -
that forms the line-curve reproduce the actual history of per capita
consumption expended (or any of the per capita statistic) so very well
until circa 1970 and diverge from that transition from then until

Corrolary Question 2: "Does the fact that dividing the change in the CPI
for every year (including 1972-73 - the specially treated re-based
aggregated basis-weighted revised 'basket of goods and services' OR
starting with the next period thereafter - January/1974) by 6 and adding
this reduced/adjusted increment back to form the adjusted-CPI for each
year since PROVIDE AN ADJUSTED INDEX THAT MATCHES the entire historical
per capita statistics in the same projection as above NOT PROVE that
that re-establishment or the input of the aggregate into the January
1974 calculation was bungled by 600%"

sincerely, ron
ron      1936, dz PD 1984  Ridgecrest, California
Ronald F. Vetter <[log in to unmask]>