

I am not an attorney, however, the contributions are probably not tax
deductible.  However, if your support group became a non-profit corporation then
they would be.  The goals of such a support group could be to help PWP continue
to live independently, help researchers, etc.

Creating a non-profit (IRS status 501(c)(3)) are not difficult, however the
government is making it more expensive each year.  There are books in most
library with basic sets of by-laws and articles of incorporation.  These along
with a group of people to be your board are the basics.  The state, depending
upon where you live, will want an incorporation fee of $10 to ?, and the federal
government will want about $500 for the filling.

The group need do nothing more than they are now as a support group, or some of
you could do projects as the thoughts occur to you.

Maybe, this is something we could use.  If we had a national PD non-profit with
each support group being a member group, something like Toastmasters
International?????( yes, I belong to Toastmasters and I am a CTM----Capable
Toastmaster---yes, I enjoy public speaking, even when my hand is shaking.  If I
am standing, my leg does not shake too much.)

Just a possible answer and some random thoughts.

Marling McReynolds
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