

I've been a member of this list for a few months now and have found it to be
very helpful in dealing with the issues surrounding PD. My wife of 8 years, on
the otherhand has been wrestling with my diagnosis without the help of any
support. She has expressed to me her interest in corresponding with others in
her situation. Unfortunately, she doesn't want to be on anyones "list" (read
Caregiver List). We are in our mid-thirties and have an 18 month old son. And,
oh yeah, I was diagnosed w/PD about 4 years ago.

If you are interested in corresponding with her regarding being a
partner/future caregiver of a young onset PWP. Please send her a note at:
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P.S. Extending this invitation was my idea. I hope she forgives me....

Rick Barrett (35/4)
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