

    I'm going to take a chance on the REPLY key of Internav:
the subject header should read "Re: Pain in Feet and Toes."

    My father (76, diagnosed ~3 years) has had a lot of trouble with
this. His doctor
prescribed a diuretic to reduce the fluid content in his feet and
and a potassium supplement to replace the consequent potassium
   Dad is currently in the hospital, and his legs are usually
elevated (bed).
This may alleviate the problem, although he had a lot of pain in his
feet for a while. When he was at home, as I recall, the doctor
advised him to elevate his legs if possible, to reduce the fluid
pressure in his legs.
   You might want to bring this to your doctor's attention. There
are apparently things the doctor can do to alleviate the problem,
depending on its cause.


>Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 08:13:01 -0500 From: Jeremy Browne
><[log in to unmask]> Subject: Re: Pain in feet and toes
><[log in to unmask]>, you wrote >Dear Members:
>My wife has asked
>me to find out if anybody experiences painful feet and >toes. The
>syptoms seems to come intermittently and is an aching feeling in
>>her feet and toes. If anybody has any suggestion of how to treat
>the >symptoms, please advice.

>Yes, Henry, I do. *I* haven't found
>a solution for it yet, either :-)))  -- Jeremy Browne -
>[log in to unmask] Shaking Hands BBS - +44 (0)1252 626233 -
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