

After much ado I now attempt to add my sentiments to the postings
of our labelled-disabled  group.
   In responding  to the many postings  RE:Disabled, I am compelled
   to reiterate my feelings during the time of my adjustment.
       In the beginning the tears are there rready to well up and
       the voice is a-la-tremulo.  We are still in the grip of the powerful
       shockwave that has put us out to pasture.  The totally unexpected
       diagnosis is like a quivering arrow remaining stuck where it lodged.
       But that arrow's poison soon becomes diluted by the courage we concoct
       within ourselves and by the encouragment we receive from our fellow
        travellers.  The tears are less salty. the voice grows stronger,
        on some mornings we are able to burst fforth with a nice big smile.
        We grab the shovel and start digging once more.

   I have now been re-inspired by the postings of those who responded
   to the first "Disabled" listing: Dale,Barb, Stan, JWalker, Joac: and  by
   Tony and the membersof our Support Group; and by the pearls of wisdon
   that keep popping up on this LIST. Carry on !

    [log in to unmask] (Mary Manfredi)