

At 08:47 AM 1/10/97 -0500, you wrote:
>RON Reiner wrote:
>  Anyway,
>>you are the first person to do it in writing.  I take no offense (I'm used
>>to it) but I am truly surprised.
I appreciate all the good info on this list.  For the sake of the *newbies*
could you *oldies* please spell out the full name of a medication one time
and use the acronym thereafter.
I find myself in the dark much of the time because I don't know what people
are talking about.

Does anybody use Melatonin as a sleep aid?  I have been taking it for
several months and I rest well at night and wake up refreshed and
relatively *on* compared to when I went to bed.

Best to all,

Paul Smith
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>Re ALC- I didn't know TwinLabs was selling it. They are one of my favorite
>sources for supplements. I noticed yesterday that they now have a Brain
>Protector that includes 1000 mg of ALC along with other stuff. I have been
>ordering my ALC from Life Extension @ $68 for 100/500 mgs. Just a little
>cheaper, but you have to order etc which is a hassle. From my reading, the
>therapeutic dose is in the 1500 mg range, so cutting back may not be a good
>idea. I am not surprised that it "puts a spring in your step" seems to
>provide energy at the cell-level (kind of like NADH). I have discontinued my
>use of NADH since starting ALC. Also, it has a cumulative benefit, so
>periodic vacations are recommended.
>To NADH users- as a result of the recent patent lawsuit between Menuco, Life
>Extension, and I don't know who else, apparently they were compelled to do
>batch testing. I don't know about Menuco, but LE notified its customers of
>the results, which is that NADH tends to deteriorate VERY quickly. They
>replaced some of my NADH, which was only a couple of months old, and
>according to them had lost MOST of its potency. When I used the new batch, I
>again experienced that "prickly heat" effect that I remembered from the
>past. So, don't store NADH, apparently it just deteriorates.
>Kathie Tollifson
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