

New Year Greetings list members,

A week or so ago I called the local Walgreens pharmacy to have my
parlodel prescription refilled. When I went to pick it up I was told
they were out, but would have it in a couple of days. Checked back and
they still didn't have it. The pharmacist asked me to call back today,
which I did. Now I'm told they can't get parlodel and don't know when it
will be available. Not real cheery news when your supply is about to run

Has anyone else encountered this problem? You would think that if the
drug was available a company the size of Walgreens should be able to get
it somewhere. Sandoz is the manufacturer. Any input or suggestions would
be welcome.

                            Life is GREAT!!
                         Try doing wothout it.

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                      "On the Suncoast of Florida"