

At 08:39 AM 1/9/97 -0500, you wrote:
>My name is Leila .I have watched this list on and off for the past 1.5 yr
>first lurking & then joining and learned a lot, laughed with, and felt a lot
>of compassion for the trials and tribulations of the members. I am
>Venezuelan (French-Belgian mother) now US citizen, 54 and suspected Parkie
>for 7 years. The first apparent signs were in late '89 with sharp
>'permanent' left shoulder pain and very intermittent light tremor on left
>hand. Also hot 'spots' on front and inside of both lower legs. MRI and
>several other tests were done, looking for pinched nerves and what not. At
>one point a doctor said I probably had some disease from "where you come
>from" (as I recall, something to do w/ a worm...) While conducting those
>tests, a hyperthyroid condition was discovered and has been stabilized with
>synthroid. The neurologist has kept track of the slow process where now
>there is more tremor in left hand and some in left foot and I do not swing
>my left arm very much when I walk. No more pain in shoulder.  He has given
>me Eldepryl 2 x day for the past 6 years.  (I also take 2000iu vit E, and
>1000iu C)   I am quite active physically - the building where I work has a
>gym w/ an excellent trainer, so I weight-train hard twice a week.  I did
>this for 10 mos and whenever I come back to the US.
> I am also here in the US temporarily (Dec. to Feb) since I am in the
>process of sailing around the world with my partner.  We planned this for 10
>years and finally "did it": departed, sold most possessions etc. in April
>1993. We have been through the Virgin Islands, Panama Canal, Galapagos,
>Marquesas, French Polynesia, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, Fiji, New Caledonia,
>and now Australia. We will be starting out again with the sailing season in
>April, and continue to Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka,
>Oman, Yemen, Red Sea, and end up in Cyprus in april 1998.  There is quite a
>lot of physical activity, especially when in ports, and while I notice I
>might do a few thing slower (precise finger movements involving left hand) I
>also know that my mental attitude has drastically changed from the fast high
>pressure pace to the "island way, manana, laid back"... so I consciously
>have slowed down and enjoy it more. Low pressure & low stress definitely
>reduce 'shaking" - so does temperature the colder it gets the more I am
>prone to shake. By the way, I never shake when I go to bed. I have never
>seen someone on list mentioning this.
Have constant tremor in my right hand, arm and leg and tremor is present in
bed where I count the people I have had seen at home or on TV - only way to
fall asleep.
I envy your travels - sounds like freedom.
>This was a long intro to the point I wanted to make known to all of you:
>This morning I picked up my Deprenyl prescription at a local large chain
>pharmacy (Giant)and fully expected the drug info. profile to give a warning
>about Demerol use(at a minimum).  No such warning appeared and after calling
>the pharmacist who said they got their printouts from a database ( he did
>not seem overly interested in my concern) I called Sommerset Pharmaceuticals
>1-800-892-8889 who were very interested and were going to find out more
>about the matter as I gave them name , tel & fax of my pharmacy.
>Has anyone seen a warning with their prescription?
>JUst a few thoughts on closing:  thank you all for all the tremendous
>efforts of support, information, activism, humour and chenanigans  (Jao: =
>locuras).  You are all wonderful people and I hope to be able to contribute
>to the group.