

It is interesting that you should talk about people not realizing the limiting
features of PD.
Before I went to the Neurologist people would ask if something was wrong when
they saw my hand shaking, or notice that I was moving a little slower than I
used to.  I just said I was tired or getting older.
Now, I take my meds and almost no one sees the tremor anymore and I move around
alright during the day.  Now, I cannot convince people that I in fact have PD or
anything that makes me a little less able than them to do things.
It reminds me of when I had knee surgery (the second time).  At first I was in a
cast and everyone was so kind and would never doubt me if I parked in a
handicapped space.  Then as I went through therapy my cast came off and I was
given a small brace which fit under my slacks.  I was still not supposed to walk
too far, however, people seeing me in the handicapped space would get very angry
and cuss at me.
Now I feel that sometimes maybe I sould take less meds and shake so people will
realize that I am not perfect and I cannot do everything they can.
Does this sound like I want pity?? I don't.  I just want to be recognized for
what I am and what I can realistically do.  I have begun to know my limits and
how I can get around some of them, and how I will never get around others.  I
guess since I have always been the person everyone else thought was superwoman,
I thought so too.  Now I know the truth, but I cannot convince them.

Thanks for listening to my rantings.  I enjoy all of your letters.  I know that
I am not alone with this 'thing' called Parkinsons Disease.

Marling McReynolds
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