

Some  visual problems especially common in PD:
1. Drying of the cornea owing to infrequent blink and exacerbated by
autonomic dysfunction and medicines, causes eye pain and blurred vision.
Treat by clearing up blepharitis with lid scrubs and applying non-preserved
tears frequently.
2. Convergence insufficiency causes diplopia at near [for reading].
3. less often divergence insufficiency causes diplopia at distance
Prism and/or translucent occlusion of one spectacle lens improves function
and comfort.
4. Vertical gaze, especially upgaze, may become slowed or absent, but must
discriminate frrom "PSP" [progressive supranuclear palsy -
Steele-Richardson-Olshewsky] in which downgaze is especially impaired and
fixation instability i.e. square-wave-jerks makes reading difficult.
5. It's hard to read when your head is shaking or you cant hold a book
5. Of course, having PD does not  exempt us from the usual problems of aging
glaucoma, presbyopia,  cataract, macular degeneration
    It sounds simple, but often takes some practical solution that is not
Just yell and I'll try to help.