


Hello Donna --

Thank you for sending your message to our group.  I've only been on the
Parkinson's ListService for three months but it didn't take me long to
realize the significance of what I had discovered.  It is educational,
emotionally gratifying, relaxing - yet stimulatinng, inspiring, and, last
but not least, often a real funny-bone tickler.  Your children gave you a
fine Christmas present!

I recognized your husband's name right away because his book,
"Parkinson's: A Patient's View" was the first book I bought after being
diagnosed with PD and I have read and re-read it many times.  I learned so
much from it and my book is filled with yellow Hi-Liter, marking all the
important bits of knowledge and wisdom that applied to me personally.
I feel your husband's writings helped me a great deal to develop a much
more positive attitude about having PD than I had.  I would recommend his
book whole-heartedly to all PWPs AND their Caregivers.

I hope we hear from you again, Donna.  I'm sure you have much you could
share with us and we hope we can do the same for you in return.

Kindest Regards,