


You have TWO diseases (at the very least, and not counting any others you've
been "blessed" with) when you have Parkinson's... PD is the primary one and
generally depression, born of the PD is the second.  They tend to play on each
other.. almost tease each other to see which will make you bow down ad cry "I
QUIT" first!  In the end, it really makes no difference which one of 'em wins,
because either way, it means YOU lose.

It really bothers me to think that you're prepared to be a loser.  I liked the
funky melodrama and feistiness (is that a real word?) <smile> I saw in you
when you first posted here.  in fact, you reminded me of ME! <giggle>

I kinda figure you're just feeling sorry for yourself right now.  THAT is
fine... acceptable... NORMAL.. for any one of us to feel.  But in my opinion,
settling for being a "loser" to Parkinson's Disease and/or depression sure
ISN'T fine!

Please, please... reassure me that you've just had a crummy day (or week, or
month...whatever) and that you're not going to "settle," and let the BAD GUY

AND... if you're not already taking a mild anti-depressant, I suggest you
investigate doing so immediately.   You'll find a HUGE number of us on the PD
list benefit from taking 'em regularly.   By the way, some of us start 'em
after a lot of kicking and screaming, but STILL end up taking the darn things
because it 's one additional helpful thing we can decide to do for OURSELVES!

By making your OWN decision to beat depression by taking an anti-depressant,
you're thumbing  your nose at the disease(s) and saying "THIS time.. I WIN!!"

Huggles at ya....

Barb Mallut
"Lil_Honey" on the PD Chat
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From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Marling McReynolds
Sent:   Tuesday, January 07, 1997 12:32 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Public Perception

I noted in a book in my Neurologist's office the statement that PDers seemed
more embarressed by their tremor than any other tremor suffers.  The author
could not understand this.  I thought about it for quite a while, and came to
the conclusion that the reason I get upset about my tremor in or out of public
is that it is a reminder of what I have--PD.  It is a reminder that this is
just a tremor, but a progressive condition and that it will get worse.  It is
reminder of where I will end up eventually and I hate to be reminded of it,
especially in public.

Sometimes people stare when my hand starts to tremor, but for the most part I
live in a small community.  The people here are my friends and long time
acquaintences.  When they ask, I tell the truth, and they feel sorry, but want
to help.  And usually ignore it from then on.  Worse than my hand tremor is my
leg.  I go to many meetings, and almost everytime my right leg will begin to
tremble.  I must hold it with my other leg, or let it tap.  Sometimes, people
must think I am listening to music they cannot hear.

Oh yes, one more thing.  Congratulate me.
I have developed my FIRST EVER Hemroid!
My depression is back, with a vengence.  I have been thinking of not taking
anything and letting the PD get me now, rather than waiting.
Any suggestions as how to keep my spirits up,or whereever they are supposed to

PD forever or until a cure is really found>>>>>>

Marling McReynolds
Director SHCRC the People Center
mail: Box 2017, Redway, CA 95560
77 Avenue of the Giants
phone: 707-923-5220 fax:  707-923-5221
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]