

Just read Camilla's response re: messages to family and friends and how they
recognize/deny the problems of PD.  I write a "newsletter" each year to our
friends/family who don't live nearby, but frequently visit or
call......others who just want to stay in touch.  Among the first three
questions is always "how is Rita doing?"  So after the updates on how to
purchase a mattress in Prague, and driving instructions for a son in
Germany.......etc......I concluded the letter with the following this year:

"Parkinson's takes a little bigger slice of our pie each year.  Some
adjustments are easier than others.  Although travel provides a break in the
routine, we will shop for a lightweight wheel chair before our next trip. (I
want a sporty red model with mag wheels, a bit of a compromise with Don re:
the wheels he would rather purchase.)  Sewing occupies some of my good hours
at home.  Drugs help, but require constant adjustment.  Medication, exercise,
diet and counseling help to make life rewarding.  Don's plans are beginning
to include time to "help Rita" each week.  Progress is being made in
neurological research, but each day takes me one day farther away from
"normal".  My first hour of each day is spent training for the slowest 100
meter shuffle.

The impact of chronic degenerative disease on a family is much greater than
we imagined.  We are aware of not only my gradual loss of movement but more
importantly the loss of our freedom to plan.  Plans for today and tomorrow
include the three of us:  Don, Rita and Drugs...and the drugs have the
deciding vote always.  Adjusting and coping are the operative verbs. We are
actively involved with support groups.  With help and support from others we
will continue to find the strength to make our decisions and to enjoy the

We have laughed, loved and shared with others both in our home and trvels.
 Some days we do wonder "what next?"  But, overall the years have been kind
to us.  We look forward to enjoying many more....even if we are growing old!"

The magic of these comments is that several people who read the letter have
already asked "How is Don doing?"  The realization finally dawned on his
three sisters that we are both touched by PD.

