

At 03:32 am 07/01/97 -0500, Marling McReynolds wrote:
>My depression is back, with a vengence. I have been thinking of not taking
>anything and letting the PD get me now, rather than waiting.
>Any suggestions as how to keep my spirits up, or whereever they are
supposed to be.??..

Hi Marling,

I urge you to take Barb Mallut's advise, and consult your doctor about
taking an anti-depressant. Like Barb, and I suspect many others on this
list, I fought taking an anti-depressant for ages after being diagnosed.
Finally after going into a deep depression (almost a year ago now), I was
referred to a psychiatrist, and it was he who suggested an anti-depressant.
I agreed reluctantly, but that, and counselling sessions, and help and
encouragement from some wonderful people on this list improved my life

Parkinson's and depression do go hand in hand, and we all have days when we
feel sorry for ourselves, and think - why bother? But life can be good even
with PD, so we have two choices. We can let Parkinson's and depression take
control of our lives, or we can take control of them.

Someone on this list once wrote, "PD ain't for sissies," and Marling, I can
tell by the way you write that you are a fighter, so hang in there.

I have an article about depression on file that was written by one of our
former list members. I will e-mail it to you separately.
