

See below Debra,

Debra G Woodhouse wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I am another new kid on the block.  I have been around only a few days.
> I subscribed to this list as soon as we discovered its existence.  The
> reasons?  information!  My father, aged 81, diagnosed perhaps 3 or four
> years ago, but possibly actually had Parkinsons for some time before
> that.  His symptoms are just as many of you describe, yet now are much
> different.  He never had the shaking as most folks think of PD, but
> instead his "joints froze" and became stiff.  Difficulty in moving etc.
> Now, he is completely rigid in his body and trunk.  He cannot do anything

Hello Deb,

Too bad your father is suffering(and you too) such serious symptoms.I am
sorry I can 't be of much help in yours aflictions.Neverthless I will
dare to say that it is necessary to be sure that your father suffer of
PD,or another neuro or even not a neuro desease(most unlikely).One other
point,still if correctly diagnosed,it is important that he gets the
right medication (drugs) and the right prescription(dosages) etc,,There
are deseases that are very difficult to deal with and I would recomend
to consult and hear more than one specialist,if possible 3.

I hope to hear from you in the future happier news.
All the best,
   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
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   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+