

Good Christine,

Christine Anne Sutter wrote:
> Good evening all from Hilton Head Island.
> I introduced myself a few months ago - have learned some - discarded some -
> and have made a few friends along the way. In the past few days there has
> been something that has really bothered me - so I would like to put in my
> thoughts for whatever YOU think it is worth.
> I have some real opinions about being 28, single, and having to face PD
> every day.  I joined this group to find someone I could talk to - with whom
> I could find mutual understanding.  It is not easy - for any of us...single
> or with a significant other...for some of us this disease has drastically
> changed our lives - especially when it comes to that "significant other" or
> caregiver. Until now - I had not found someone close to my age that shares
> similar life issues (i.e. early onset PD, how to maintain a social life, the
> challenge of intimate relationships while dealing with a progressive
> disease, etc.)
> I can, however, fully understand David's message that several of you have so
> clearly criticized and judged - I have been inundated with mounds of
> messages that would have been better served had they been returned directly
> to the sender of the original message - NOT the entire group on this list.
> So can I add - or modify????
> Is it kind?
> Is it true?
> It it necessary to respond to the WHOLE group?
> I although I am grateful for most of the posts from this list, some replies
> or original messages might be better directed to specific people in lieu of
> the entire list.
> Christine

Hello Christine,
You made good observations in your message.You headed your mail with "We
are all very different" and that is the point and the problem.
Kind,true and necessary will be the same meaning to all very different
people ?
I suppose that perhaps in the long run what makes a list interesting  is
this difference of views and opinions, otherwise we would be talking
with ourselves...If you allow me a poor comparison I would say it is as
if you were in a mine field (say of diamonds)and here and there you
choose something that appears valuable to you and discard what does not
suit you.

Love and peace to you,

   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
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   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+