


Once again the non Parkie in the family can answer what works for her. I have
a "non-productive cough" and what feels like very thick phlegm in my throat.
I take Humibid L.A.  600 mg. and presto no more of either for a while.
Humibid seems to be the active ingredient in Robitussin (sp). This has been a
more than wonderful help for me.

 I asked the mail order pharmacy for information on the drug. The best I can
figure out is that " Guaifenesin in combination with Phenylpropanolamine
should be used with caution in patients with hypertnesion, cardiac disorders,
diabetes or peripheral vascular disease, prostatic hypertrophy and glaucoma.

Guaifenesin in combination with dextromethorphan should not be used in
patients taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors."

This information is from a computer printout and I can not cite it.

One is also supposed to drink lots of water.

Jan cg Paul 3/62