

Hello folks!
I am another new kid on the block.  I have been around only a few days.
I subscribed to this list as soon as we discovered its existence.  The
reasons?  information!  My father, aged 81, diagnosed perhaps 3 or four
years ago, but possibly actually had Parkinsons for some time before
that.  His symptoms are just as many of you describe, yet now are much
different.  He never had the shaking as most folks think of PD, but
instead his "joints froze" and became stiff.  Difficulty in moving etc.
Now, he is completely rigid in his body and trunk.  He cannot do anything
for himself, we put him from his bed to his wheelchair, and back again.
At times we even have to feed him because he is unable to bring his arm
up to his mouth more than about half way, but there are still days that
he can feed himself to a degree.  Some days his medications must be
ground and mixed with sweetened apple sauce in order for him to be able
to swallow it, but other days he is a little better and can swallow it
with water.  His inactivity tends to make him more prone to infections,
i.e. urinary tract and kidney infections and each time, he doesn't come
back as far.  It is so heart breaking to watch a man who has always been
so strong, active and has spent his entire life caring for others to be
in the very condition that he has always dreaded.  His mind is good and
strong and his faith in tact.  The information that I have gotten so far
has been invaluable.  Enlightening, and even comforting to a degree.  I,
and my sisters have about a million questions, but I have been holding
off to wait to see what we can find out by observing the rest of you.
The bickering and fighting and name calling,???? Well, I consider them
counter productive and very  unnecessary and simply delete them.  Many of
your posts, I have saved in a file to share the information with my
sisters who are also bewildered and confused. I am afraid to ask too many
questions right off, for fear that you have just discussed that topic
just before I signed on or more fearful, what if I sound stupid?  I have
not yet learned what many of the abbreviations and initials and
terminology is, but I am learning.
Daddy's Parkinson's medicine is, (spelling uncertain) Corbadopa.  We are
still learning to deal with the aches in his legs, neck and shoulders,
his difficulty in falling asleep, swallowing, etc. He cannot stand for
his feet to rub against themselves, so we have to keep them separated for
him. (He cannot move them on his own)  We have questions about  What
exactly IS this disease? What causes it?  Why does our Daddy have it? Is
there any evidence to say that it may be genetic, thus inherited?  What
should we expect? Our Mom told a sister that when they left a Memphis
hospital back in December that "they" talked to her and told her some
things to expect, and (in her words) "things are moving rather rapidly",
but Mom has not shared with any of us just what those "things" were.  We
all want to know, but feel that Mom is just not ready to discuss them
with us yet.  We are all involved (taking turns) in caring for Daddy. We
are scared.  Several of our questions are being answered on this list as
we go along, but I will get my nerve up soon and ask some specific
things.  Just wanted you guys to know that I am here and I already
appreciate the information and sense of support that I have already
There just nothing like a good education to expell confusion is there?
Thanks to all of you and may the Lord send a little extra SONshine your
way today.

Deb Woodhouse
Springdale, AR
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