

Oooh.  How exciting to see the subject of my (stalled) Ph.D emerge in
this list - see below.  I'm working on Hannah Arendt's concept of
plurality, in her definition of which she says (in The Human Condition)
"We are all the same in that no one is the same as anyone who ever
lived, lives or will live" which is to say that our common humanity, our
human 'identity,' is constituted by our difference/s.

I've been thinking around how to 'marry' my Ph.D with my PD - seeing as
now I can't have one without the other.  This is part of what I have been
trying to uncover in my ramblings about lone-pwp.  Somehow wanting to
point out the differences that sometimes get missed amongst conventional
assumptions, while never losing sight of what it is that binds us

I've had the whole thing on hold for some time now and have lost faith in
my ability to do it.  Anything that enthuses me at this low point is more
than welcome.

Thanks, friends

Beth Leslie

On Tue, 14 Jan 1997, Marling McReynolds wrote:

> Mary,
> "We are all different ... no two of us
> alike.!
>   [log in to unmask] (Mary Manfredi)"
> Right on!!!!! We are all different, but share the basics.
> Marling
> [log in to unmask]