

> Funnily enough, the slight uncertainty is part of my own psychological
> armoury against PD:  I have an inner determination to show these medical guys
> that they were wrong all along, and I think this helps me keep a fighting
> spirit.  Intellectually I think I've accepted that they are probably right,
> but emotionally there's a stubborn part of me that wants to prove that they
> don't know what the hell they're talking about.  ME?!  HOW COULD I POSSIBLY
> A few months ago I was offered a PET scan (Positron emission tomography, with
> doped 18F DOPA), which is one of the only ways to get a positive diagnosis
> (and very expensive - but health care is free in the UK!).


Your story strikes me, because it shows knowing and not wanting to know can in
such a strange way be present together. It is like a reaction I once had when
my bike was stolen. He was not at the place I had left him. That couldn't be
true. I thought: I close my eyes and when I open them again he will be there.
But it did not work.
My mind did yet stranger things when it was my health that seemed to be stolen.
I felt yet some months lousy, when on my job somebedy told me she worried about
the health of her friend. She told me which symptoms made her worry and hoped I
would think she was a hypochondriac. I did not but said her worry was to the
point and her friens should consult a neurologist. A week after that she told
me her friend had a brain-tumor.
On my way home in the train my mind thought(so it seemed) if you would now ask
yourself should I worry about my health I would say:"you have to see a
neurologist". The conclusion:" so I have to do that" was not made. And it would
last half a year till I was forced to.
It was of course very stupid to deny to that extent, because it could have been
I hope you'll be able to keep off med's a long time, but with meds PWP's can
have many good years. During that time the possibilities of treatment will be
Besides, you have like me, the privilege to live in a country whith health care
for everyone.

       Ida Kamphuis