


Dear Friends,

On Dec. 15, as planned, Aviva, in her 12th year with PD, was
hospitalized for two weeks for what turned out to be a net, 11
day "drug holiday."

>From what we are given to understand, drug holidays have been
generally discontinued for something over a decade on the basis
that the results tend to be short-lived, the suffering of the
patient during the drug holiday is excessive and, also,
presumably, because the cost of hospitalization is substantial.

There was resistance to the idea of this experiment from Aviva's
two neuros and the insurance company in spite of the fact that,
after 12 years, her meds, over a period of a month or so, had
suddenly lost something like 80% of their effectiveness. Only
when we emphasized that the experiment was aimed at
detoxification in connection with Aviva's acute cerebellar
atrophy and that any benefit for her Parkinsons symptoms would
be considered a mere bonus did they reluctantly agree.

On entering the hospital and in order to maximize the benefit
from her stay, Aviva went off her drugs "cold turkey," with her
doctor's consent, rather than gradually as originally
contemplated. After 3 days, her state stabilized which indicated
to us that she was "drug free," at least superficially. The
whole medical staff was amazed at Aviva's apparently exceptional
resistance to suffering and the fact that there was little
rigidity in her face and body even at the end of the drug
holiday. They acknowledged that her March 1995 bilateral
pallidotomy (Loma Linda) was probably a big part of the

Three days before her discharge from hospital, Aviva started up
on low doses of her meds and displayed a tendency to want to
undermedicate herself which was evident from the lack of
dyskinesia on the side where the pallidotomy was less
successful. (There is no dyskinesia on the successful side.)
Now, 18 days after discharge from hospital, Aviva is still
responding well to her meds and is optimally medicated
(displaying dyskenesia) at half her former dosage of L-Dopa.

If it turns out that extended drug holidays (10 days and more)
provide prolonged benefits, another blessing of pallidotomy will
have been revealed.

We'll keep you posted on developments.


David S. Devor, Exec. Director
Project Mind Foundation  -  Keren Mivtsa Mochin
8 Mevo Hamaavak
French Hill                  tel: 972/2/5814941
Jerusalem 97877              fax: 972/2/5823276
Israel                     email: [log in to unmask]