

I read this in an article the other day.  It is a condensed version written
by Loretta LaRoche, "MD" (for mirth doctor) who is a Plymouth, Massachusetts
humorist and stress-management expert.  I thought it was great & want to
share it with you.


1.  Blame others for your feelings.  -- If THEY hadn't done what they did,
you wouldn't feel the way you do.

2.  Say "should" as often as possible -- about your character, appearance,
what you think, feel, say or do.  A good way to lower your self-esteem.

3.  Criticize yourself--and others.  Assume you have a problem and nag
yourself about it constantly.  And have the highest standards for everyone
else in your life--to set yourself up for perpetual disappointment.

4.  Play "if only".  When bad things happen, look for things you COULD have
done--but didn't.

5.  Assume more responsiblity.  Taking responsibility for others' actions,
appearance, manners, etc., is a great way to make yourself feel guilty.

6.  Motivate yourself with scary stories.  Imagine all the bad things that
MIGHT happen to you.  Think about them all the time.

7.  Carry grudges.  If you need help remembering all the ways your friends,
co-workers and family members have wronged you, keep a journal.