

> >
> Bless you for the information you have provided.  My husband's vision
> problems bother him more than any other single aspect of PD.  He is a
> voracious reader, and now has great difficulty getting though a book; where
> he used to read three books a week, he is lucky to get through one in a
> month.  Any further help you can offer wiill be much appreciated.
> -----
> Regards
> Mary Ann


This problem is posibly solved by a scanner. A scanner can make a "picture" of
every page of the book on your screen. I guess it is the same thing Kees Paap
uses to send his picture around. You can make the caracters or the spaces
between the lines larger. Its  price is somewere between 100 and 200 dollars.
I am myself a voracious reader and not being able to read would be a disaster.
I manage till now with a standard and a clip to keep the book open.
Spoken books from the library for blinds may be the solution whan all others

                                         Ida Kamphuis