

Hi ! to all--
 I'm back from a great Christmas holiday. Followed  by three weeks of the
flu. Actually I have turned into a silent observer, a good thing, too.
Just imagine the List with another 50 letters a day!
There  always seems to be something to write about or fight about. We
laugh and cry together and help each other when things get
miserable.........Hey! you can't take away  my soap box!! Its not
fair....I was just getting started...... You will  do WHAT if I don't
stop yapping. OK OK  I'll get down to business.......

Some of you may know that in my spare time  I edit  the Newfoundland
Parkinson News and as if this wasn't enough I now maintain a homepage on
our local community freenet. I just supply the content--a freenet
volunteer does the clever stuff with the  'HTML'.

The home page has some useful links to other sites (Ottawa) and some
basic information---for example "A Glossary of Parkinson Words "
The reprinted / recycled material from recent newsletters may be of
interestto some listmembers.  At the present time there is a list of
books about Parkinsons, two Pallidotomy articles, and one about how
erratic stomach emptying affects the way your drugs are absorbed.

Drop by and visit our homesyle homepage  with the longest address in the

Anne Rutherford
in warm and windy Newfoundland