

I saw the Reuter Information Service piece in the P.D. Digest a couple of days
ago, detailing
the general excitement everyone is feeling regarding the potential of using
Glial Cell Derived
Neurotrophic factor (GDNF)  for ALS ... and it IS exciting!

HOWEVER...the piece concluded with, "He said that, if successful, the trial
could lead to treatment for diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's...."
All of us who care about Parkinson's - and
more to the point, people who have Parkinson's - should know that it IS being
tested for
Parkinson disease.  Amgen had significant success with Parkinsonian primates
given GDNF
and, in fact, has begun a nationwide if limited testing of GDNF for Parkinson's
patients.  About
20 Parkinson's patients, to date, have received very low "doses" of GDNF, to
increase as
FDA protocol allows.

We're watching results very carefully!

Keep the faith.  There ARE good things coming!

Kim Seidman, NPF West Coast Director