

> My mother still has very
> bad cramping, big intense cramps up one side of her body. They seem to
> happen regularly throughout the day and night, when the meds wear off i
> think. she goes through all sorts of manipulations, exercises and
> "crunching" of her muscles to try and keep the cramping away. and she wants
> us to shake her legs, rub, and manipulate.

---- (much of text deleted) --------

> Does anyone have experience with, tips, ideas re cramps. Has anyone had
> them and had the situation get better? It seems only to get worse for my
> mom.
> Debbie,
> Mom is 72/10
> [log in to unmask]


I am about 3+ years into the disease and am
currently experiencing trouble with muscle
cramps. Per suggestions from others I began
taking high doses of vitamin E (> 3000 IU per day
in two doses of 1500 IU). After about 2 weeks the
cramps seem to have gotten better.

I know of no definitive trials but its cheap and
worth a try.

Good Luck,