

Hi "J.R. Bruman" <[log in to unmask]>, you wrote

>On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Barbara Mallut wrote:
>> A-HEM.... just in case ya haven't noticed, it's now perfectly acceptable for
>> wimmins to read.  AND write.  AND drive.  AND even vote!  And a buncha other
>> stuff, too... <smile>
>> Barb Mallut

> Merciful Heavens, Barb- you say that like it's a good thing!
>Cheeers, Joe

I know it's naughty of me, but I had a good giggle at that, Joe. Thanks!

(Sorry, Barb - it was irresistible!


Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Shaking Hands BBS - +44 (0)1252 626233 - Fidonet 2:252/160