

Hi John Morey <[log in to unmask]>, you wrote
>Barb, you wrote to Mr. Boots........
>Barb, keep the messages coming, and Mr. Boots, grow up and stop being a jerk!

You clearly imply that anyone who is not of your style of thinking is
immature (this is, I think, the second time you have used the "grow up"

I may not care for Mr Boots' messages, but in these "enlightened" times
I defend, most strongly, his right to those views, and to express them.
I, too, am irritated by them, but on further reflection, there may be
factors of which I (and you, and most others here) may be unaware,
causing him to use immoderate phrasing for his messages. I only wish I
could actually FEEL more charitable towards him!

Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Shaking Hands BBS - +44 (0)1252 626233 - Fidonet 2:252/160