

At 09:40 PM 1/21/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I would like to start a PD support group from my home here in central NJ but
>I must ask some questions first.
>Has anyone done this before ??
>If so,  can you offer any suggestions how to post an announcement,   what
>materials if any should I have often should meetings take
> days and times for good attendence...  etc etc.
>Joyce Tames
>[log in to unmask]
>908-679 8172
I have the same questions where I would like to start a support group here
because I know that there are Parkinsonian in this town and they appear to
keep the disease to themselves.  The revealing of it is still taboo in many
places (I think).
This is what I have started.  Through the Parkinson Foundation in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, Jan has sent me literature on how to proceed and with my
counsellor and doctor, I have posted flyers at various places, shopping
mall, hospital, and community services office, on how to contact me. I live
in Kenora, Ontario, Canada, about 100 miles from the Minnesota border.  No
response as yet but it has only been two weeks.  My counsellor has said that
she will attend the first meetings to explain the reason for belonging to a
support group.  Someone earlier on the List has said that the PD people were
quite grateful for the interaction.  Please keep me posted.  Regards,