

As a Physician and a patient with PD I have always felt that the mst
important thing I need to know as a Physician is what I do not know and
be willing to admit it and to either be able to find it out or get my
patient to someone who knows more than me about that particular area.

Physicians are in a tough spot.  At least in the U.S.  there is a push
toward getting people to go to primary care doctors.  A physician who
treats most of your illnesses generally knows you better and can
communicate with you.  On the other side is that medicine is so broad
that it is impossible to know everything even in a specialty let alone
general medicine.

I suggest that all PD patients be treated for their PD by a neurologist
and at least be seen on a cosultative basis by a neurologist
specializing in movement disorders so that there is someone involved who
knows the illness and perhaps someone else more locally who you can
develop a closer relationship and can call on the PD specialist when
he/she has questions.

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