

Barbara Mallut wrote:
> To JR Romanyshyn, and "All"
> You said:  "The more customers and other managing reps I have linked to me,
> the more income I can earn to try and make ends meet"
> J.R. - I've seen you on this list as member with PD for some time.  And until
> today, you were - in my eyes at least - just a fellow traveler like me and all
> the rest of our list members.  To me, you were deserving of the same respect
> and courtesy I'd extend to anyone here.
> HOWEVER.... today, as of the moment I received a copy of the message you
> posted, per the above, in my opinion, you became just another huckster pushing
> a pyramid scheme (and this is no reflection upon the actual SERVICE you
> represent), and using pathos, i. e. "Help a desperate Parkie," to achieve your
> ends.
> The above is a CLASSIC pyramid scheme, and is used to suck more and more
> folks into selling a COMMERCIAL PRODUCT AND SERVICE.
> You're asking US, your fellow list members and persons having Parkinson's
> Disease to contribute to YOUR income (with, admittedly, the possibility of
> future income for  us, should we peddle the same product amongst OUR friends
> and family members, and get THEM to also sign on as salespersons).
> Personally, I believe commercial product and/or service sales pitches aimed
> EXCLUSIVELY at PD list members for the sole purpose of wringing money from us
> in order to augment someone's income is totally out of place here.
> Barb Mallut
> [log in to unmask] to go Barb!  I am even an Excel subscriber and love the prices, but
this is not the way to gather customers.  How sad that he finds it OK to
ask us to feel sorry for a poor PWP who cannot support himself.  What
about all the rest of you who work??!!

It is a sad day when members of the list choose this method of soliciting
a product.  These are suppose to be friends.
Gail B. Post, RN,MS,CSN
Maryknoll Schools
Honolulu, HI 96822