

At 21:40 1/21/97 -0500, Joyce Tames wrote:
>I would like to start a PD support group from my home here in central NJ but
>I must ask some questions first.
>Has anyone done this before ??
>If so,  can you offer any suggestions how to post an announcement,   what
>materials if any should I have often should meetings take
> days and times for good attendence...  etc etc.
>Joyce Tames
>[log in to unmask]
>908-679 8172

I have a support group running for about 1 1/2 yrs. Ours is small, about 20
members including PWP and the CG, about 12-15 are there regularly. The
membership number is higher than the attendance primarily becuase their are
2 couples who never come because they live too far away but they want our
material.  We meet in my home once a month on the 2nd thurs evening from
7:00 until 9:00. I type up an agenda each time with usually 4 parts:
Spiritual Time, Exercise Time, Humor Time and Sharing Time, which tells
pretty much the emphasis I am using.

Spiritual Time: I have my wife read a short piece from a book "Chicken Soup
for the   Soul"

Exercise Time: We usually demonsrate exercises for PWP from the books on
exercise from UPD or APDA.

Humor Time: My wife and I have some stories pepared to tell and we go around
the room to allow anyone who has brought something to tell.

Sharing Time: It is called sharing because it is intended that all share
experiences like we do on this list but it usually turn out that I am
talking about items that interested me from this list or research that
interested me from the UPD newsletter, etc.. I have a copy machine so I give
everyone a copy of the items discussed.

This may be more than you wanted to see. I am sorry I got started and could
not stop.
Sine we are on the subject, I would like to see what other people do with
their support groups. These are just my own ideas. I havn't been to any
other support group.
I have posted at 2 nearby retiremnet centers and the local church bulletins.
I got started this way. I had two former teachers and colleagues of mine who
had Parkinson's. When I was diagnosed with Parkinaon's about 4 yrs ago my
wife and I  talked about what we might do to help and decided to start a
support group.

I hope this helps others who nay be interested in starting a similar

---Milo    72/8/dxed 4yrs ago
Milo V. Anderson, Ph.D.             Knowledge is free at the library;
Box 417                             bring your own contianer.
Angwin, CA 94508

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