

Has anyone else experienced the sensation that some doctors don't know anything
about PD except that it makes you shake?

Sometimes when I speak with doctors (even neuros) I feel as though I should be
the MD and they should be sitting in a classroom letting me teach them.

It feels weird to know so much about a subject, and expect that the doctors
should know more, but don't.

Even my pharmacist knows more than most of the doctors I've seen. I am lucky to
have a great pharmacy with a wonderful and thoughtful crew.  The first time I
went into Green's to order a PD med, Kelly (one of the pharmacy crew) tried to
make me laugh, but I did not feel like it as I had just learned of my
'condition'.  When I told him what the med was for, he came out from the back
room and gave me a hug.  He said they would take care of me.  And they have.
They have a crew of 4 pharmacists and they are all great.  I fell so lucky.

On the other hand, I went through 3 neuros before I found one who knew something
about PD specifically and was honest with me.  Also, I've been through 5 gps and
have now found a 6th one I think will be better.  At least he knows a few
things, and is willing to look up the rest before he passes judgement.

Off my soapbox and back to bed.  It is only 2am or so, as you can see I have
insomnia again.

Marling rambling
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