

To All:

I read Ivan Suzman's totally inaccurate account of his alleged
mistreatment by the National Parkinson Foundation. I hope that Mr.
Suzman's statements are not taken seriously, particularly those about NPF
not supporting the Udall Bill. That is a fairy tale. I've been working a
great deal on this important legislation which is so vital to the
Parkinson community as has NPF. Every issue of its fine newsletter
addresses the Udall bill. As a footnote, I had lunch today with Joan
Samuelson followed by a VERY productive meeting with Senator Paul
Wellstone who reiterated his burning commitment to seeing the Udall bill
pass soon, and also presented a very reasonable and workable legislative
strategy which we agreed to implement. You'll hear more later on this

I'm very optimistic!

Lawrence  S. Hoffheimer (NPF Washington Counsel)
Hoffheimer & Downey, P.C.
1250 24th Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 466-0577