

Irving W....

<With ear-to-ear grin> WOWIE!!  I have a narcotic-like effect on someone!
Someone who wouldn't recognize me if he tripped over me (not that I think yer
a klutz) <tho I sure am!> (grin), nor I him.  A warm huggle at ya Irving...

Irv, I've gotta tell ya that about the only thing worse than a frozen shoulder
that I've ever experienced was an infected wisdom tooth several years ago, and
a pinched nerve in my back last July.  No matter what drugs I was given, there
was nothing but unrelenting hell for a coupla weeks with each.

In my job as the manager of the Chronic Disease & Disorders Forum on MSN (The
Microsoft Network) I have a "Living With Chronic Pain" Support BBS which I
monitor for new messages each day, reading each as I do for all the rest of
the forum's BBSes.  I've seen it ALL... and I'm awed at what some folks have
to contend with....

I cannot begin to tell you the magnitude of not only human suffering that
chronic pain causes, but also the magnitude of the human spirit which somehow
manages to rise above that terrible pain.  I read the many new posts there
each day with a profound sense of admiration and respect for the individuals
who somehow, someway, have come to grips with this wretched pain they have.

I remember  when I had my 3 painful experiences, and I'm almost embarrassed to
say, in the face of the pain I know some of my forum members live with, that
by the end of each of those events I was totally wrung out, and had not an
ounce of fight left in me.  I'd been royally, completely and totally WHUPPED
by the pain.

To this day I cannot imagine living as these chronic pain sufferers do, using
strong narcotics, tranquilizers, methadone. morphine infusion pumps, and God
know what else... I'm even more amazed that some of them are still holding
down full-time or part-time jobs.  They have families too... and those
families are also effected by the pain of their loved one.

You and I are lucky, Irving... lucky that we ONLY have PD to contend with, and
ONLY a frozen shoulder or two...

(Getting off soapbox)

Uhhhhh.. ya smuggled in FABRIC for a SOFA thru customs>? <quizzical look on
face>  You were ready to go to jail over some FABRIC??

Barb Mallut
"Lil_Honey" on the PD Chat
[log in to unmask]

From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Irving Williams
Sent:   Friday, January 24, 1997 3:51 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Bursitis-like Pain

I am addicted to you. isee a message that you had written and I have to readit
even If i am not interested in th esubject: frozen shoulder, ugh. I  had one
th e80's on a vacation to london. They were wonderful there. although they did
no give me cortisone. We  were living in Israel then. whn we arrived, going
customs , the green lane, I was asked to come to th eside and be inspected.
looked into th e sling and examined our luggage. that was th eonly time that
they had examined my luggage,fortunately. At other times i had smuggled i  a
disk drive, a ape deck and fabric for our couch.
Any way i sympathize with you since th efroze shoulder was th eworst pain that
had endured.
Good luck!