

I have been intimately involved in efforts to attempt to increase
Parkinson's research funding via the Udall Bill.  Ivan has been a valuable
advocate in this effort.  So has Larry Hoffheimer and NPF.   Simply read
the NPF newsletter.    In fact NPF, APDA and PDF have all devoted major
time and space in their newsletters promoting the Udall Bill.  At this
time, when hopefully victory is near, we need strong grassroots support not
accusations.  To my knowledge the major Parkinson's organizations are
working more closely together than ever before to see this legislation
passed.  The three organizations with Washington representation (PAN, NPF,
and APDA) have met several times in recent months in an attempt  to assure
each is aware of initiatives that are being pursued.

Shortly you will begin again to hear our pleas to write your Congressman.
In fact, now is a good time to start.  We would like to have as many as
possible be original cosponsors (signed on the day the Bill is introduced).
 Write your Senators an Congressman now and encourage them to get on this
train as it leaves the station.   Last year we were the little engine
saying "I think I can.  I think I can."  This year with your help its going
to be "I know I can.  We will not be denied."

Let's put our energy where it can help cure Parkinson's.

Jim Cordy
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