

I have the letter that Larry Hoffheimer wrote that was controversial at the
time.  I believe that the letter was written in an earnest desire to get
the Udall Bill out of Kassebaum's committee.  In my opinion what Hoffheimer
suggested was very close to the final compromise language that was passed
by the Senate.  If there was a problem, it was that his initiative was not
coordinated with the efforts of others promoting the Udall Bill,
specifically PAN and Senator Hatfield's office.  As I said in my earlier
post, we now have regular meetings among the three Washington
representatives of Parkinson's organization.  Part of the reason for these
meetings is to avoid problems of coordination.

I have spoken at length to Ivan regarding the problems he had during that
ill fated trip to Florida.  He feels he was done a serious injustice.  I've
spoken to Hoffheimer regarding those events and his side of the story
sounds as innocent as Ivan's sounds wronged.  At that point, having not
been there myself, I decided I could not separate the fact from emotion.  I
do know that both Ivan and Hoffheimer are both working diligently to pass
the Udall Bill.  I would encourage Ivan to not mix his grievances with our
attempt at curing Parkinson's.  Ivan, we need your advocacy efforts again
this year.  Although I can't join you regarding your grievance with NPF as
I can't in retrospect determine the facts, we both know the facts about NIH
funding of Parkinson's research.  Let's win that battle beginning today.

This current controversy is reminiscent of the diverted efforts that
resulted when Hoffheimer wrote the original letter.  We don't need charge
and counter charge.  We need letters to our Congressmen.

Jim Cordy
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