

On Sat, 25 Jan 1997 04:12:19 -0500 Dale Severance join list
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Hi Ivan:  Thats a serious allegation that you are making against Larry
>Hoffheimer the long standing Attorney for the NPF.  I think you should
>the exact article you are referring to so that we can formulate our
>opinions on that issue. Perhaps you can recover it from archives. What
>specifically did he write or say that was anti Udall in content.
>Perhaps you
>are interpretering his statement out of context.  Who knows until we
>see the
>Dale Severance
Hi Dale,
All I can add is that the letter was sent to me by someone from one of
the major
Parkinson's organizations.  It basically said that the Udall funding is
unneeded, and that there are adequate funding sources in the private
sector to take care of our research needs.

The bill provides $100 million/year, but I was told the private sector
has only $7 million /year.

Your idea of posting the letter for Listmembers to read is not something
I feel comfortable trying to do, and in any case, when my home burned in
August, I lost everything, including the Hoffheimer letter.

I have received an e-mail message from Jim Cordy which shows that Mr.
HOffheimer has changed his position, but I am still very, very hurt by
his trying to publicly claim that my account of my lost doctor's
appointment in Miami, my having lost $4000.00 for the trip from Maine to
Miami, and lost medical advice is a "fairy tale."

Thank you for your concern.

Of course I normally would not publicly post a complaint against someone
in the NPF, or anywhere in the Parkinson's Community.  But Mr.
Hoffheimer's various actions have been too burdensome and painful for me
to not need to find some way to try to heal from wounds that still bleed.

Listmembers, I hope you understand and can be supportive.
