

On Sun, 26 Jan 1997 12:28:40 -0500 Joao Paulo Carvalho  wrote us about

I have just started a trial of NADH.  THis report is after five days of

I am reaping enormous UNEXPECTED benefits from NADH.   I am trying 15.0 (
3 x 5.0) mg/day.  I take the three doses: early A.M. , late A.M., and
late afternoon.

My Sinemet daily dosage has dropped from 1300 mg. to about 1000 mg.

My Eldepryl daily dosage has dropped from 10.0 to 5.0 mg/day.
I feel MUCH better.  Less rigidity, better  movement, able to shower and
dress unassisted for the first time in 18 months!!

I also am experiencing:
                          -less hypothermia
                          -fewer leg cramps and toe curls
                          -less painful off-times.
                          -total off-time is now 1.5 hours/day instead of
4 hours/day.

I really believe that NADH ought to be considered a  TOP PRIORITY for
research, based on my initial five days trial of it.

Dr. Birkmayer asked me to include:   50 mg. of zinc in the evening,

200 mcg. of selenium in the A.M., and

1000 mg. of vitamin C,

in my daily routine.  I am following this advice, and am adding 400 IU of
Vit. E.

If NADH helps me so much,  after years of extreme difficulty, I truly
think everyon ought to consider it.  Imagine what extra energy and less
off-time would do for our brave PWP's in the halls of Washington, who
need every ounce of s trength to do the work to WIN PASSAGE OF THE UDALL

I get NADH from Menuco Corp of New York, , tel 1-800-636-8261.

Their brand name for it is "Enada."  It comes in a bright orange box .

Ivan Suzman, Portland, Maine  47/10      land of lighthouses/le pays des