

Jack Peckenpaugh,

You raise an important and difficult question about PD (or any other chronic
condition): Whom to tell?

>From what I understand of your present condition, your family must already know
that "something is wrong with Dad."  In the absence of fact, they will imagine
fiction.  Who knows what?  They may be very worried right now.  Hard as it may
be for you to tell them, it is probably harder for them to ask you.

Your PD is not yours alone.  Every member of your family has it also.  In any
event, it is right for them to want to worry about you; it is also right for
them to actually worry about you.  Further, it is right for you to not want to
worry them; it is also right and better for you to tell them the facts as they
are.  Accept their caring and worry as their love for you.

PD is isolating.  PD is a prison, a prison where the only one with the key is
the prisoner and the only keyhole is on the inside of the cell.

I'm just preaching to myself.

George Andes  62/14 & still counting