

Hello Jacob:

In this kind of situation it is sometimes a great idea to go exhaust
yourself with some kind of physical exercise, to the degree that is
possible. Walking or swimming or running, with a friend perhaps.

When people need to hit something it's great to have a Wiffle ball bat
(they're plastic and red and really "fat") and hit an old pillow in the
middle of the bed.

After all the hitting and screaming is out of the system, there's nothing
like a loving understanding dog to help out in the way that he knows
best: tail wagging-happy to see you whatever the bad new is! Cat's are
nice too, but no always so "available" as a dog!

My sympathies to you. Now, when do we start the search for another doctor
for Jacob?

You're in my thoughts.


On Tue, 21 Jan 1997, Jacob Drollinger wrote:

> I don't know if swaring is allowed on the list, but I am going to do so
> anyway: It's just a bunch of bullshit.
> I have been waiting for word from Dr. Freed's office on a possible fetal
> tissue implant, and this morning I got it. Not for another three years at
> least, would I be able to receive MY operation. That is how Nurse Craver put
> it; in so many terms she said that "Your operation is a ways off yet."
> This says to me that they know that a transplant would make me, if not 100
> percent, pretty damned close to it. However, due to the afore-mentioned B.S.,
> I will not be a candidate for the procedure for another "At least" three
> years.
> Now, taking on their prospective: I am not suffering from degenerative P.D.,
> therefore my life is in no danger. But looking at the bigger picture, and
> this is where the beauracracy comes into play, I am not a part of the large
> group of people suffering from severe P.D. This means that I could not be
> part of an experiment, i.e. there is nothing to compare the results an
> transplant would have on me to.
> I am so pissed off right now, that I feel like hitting something. How long
> will it be before anyone takes on my case. In other words, you've all got
> your sinemet as a last resort. No drug has been found, or even searched for,
> for that matter, that makes  the globus pallidus work better.
> Just wanted to vent some frustration.
> Jacob Drollinger

David Robert Austen
Masters Degree Program in Information Science
Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana 47405 U.S.A.
Telephone 812 335 8835  Fax 812 335 8598