

Hi All;

>Sometimes I feel free-er around the grandchildren.  They don't really
>understand, but they don't make a fuss nor do they give me platatudes.  They
>just love me.
>Here's to grandchildren.

Over the holidays, my parents came to visit, and although we don't have
children, we do have 3 dogs. Before long, my dad was refering to them as his
"granddogs".  If my dad was feeling good, and was up and about, the dogs
played wildly with him. If he was tired and quiet, they lay beside him. Once
when I saw my dad trying to control a tremor in his leg while he watched TV,
my Doberman sat beside him and rested her big black head on his knee. It was
a "Kodak moment". By the dogs had never even MET my
parents.....they just seem to know.....
Laura Forgetta
Ventura, CA.
Huckleberry, Finn and Sawyer
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