

vic forgetta wrote:
> Hi All;
> >Sometimes I feel free-er around the grandchildren.  They don't really
> >understand, but they don't make a fuss nor do they give me platatudes.  They
> >just love me.
> >
> >Here's to grandchildren.
> Marling
> Over the holidays, my parents came to visit, and although we don't have
> children, we do have 3 dogs. Before long, my dad was refering to them as his
> "granddogs".  If my dad was feeling good, and was up and about, the dogs
> played wildly with him. If he was tired and quiet, they lay beside him. Once
> when I saw my dad trying to control a tremor in his leg while he watched TV,
> my Doberman sat beside him and rested her big black head on his knee. It was
> a "Kodak moment". By the dogs had never even MET my
> parents.....they just seem to know.....
> Laura Forgetta
> Ventura, CA.
> Huckleberry, Finn and Sawyer
> [log in to unmask],
I loved your dog story.  My parents have a Doberman and a part Lab and I
know they understand about my dad's PD.  Rusty, the red Dobe, came into
their lives when my dad's PD was getting worse and he is a great
companion.  Someone abandoned him in a ditch on a rural road and my
mother, after searching for his owner, took him home.  They also had a
pup from the one litter my dog had, but she died last fall.  Now Rusty, a
diabetic who takes insulin and eats a special diet, is not doing well.  I
have been working with a Doberman Rescue near Houston to get them another
dog before they lose him.  I am a firm believer in the power of pets to
help us all and most especially those with chronic illness.

My daughter who is 23 and going to school has adopted a Siamese kitten
from an animal shelter and she is truly our grandkitten since Laurie
needs no human children just yet.  Laurie was telling me on the phone
about Leia's visit to her other "grandmother's" home and how she played
with the pet hedgehog??!!  Who needs grandkids when the grandkitten is so

Aloha, Gail
Gail B. Post, RN,MS,CSN
Maryknoll Schools
Honolulu, HI 96822