

I have been a member of this List for almost two years. You've probably not
seen my name before because in all that time, I've only posted comments
three times. The reason: I think the List has a great purpose; seldom do I
have something to ask or say that I believe will interest the 1,500+
readers. I am very conscious of wasting somebody else's time. Instead, I
often send a private message.

Over those two years, I have made some friends and learned a great deal.
I've been able to share a lot of good information with members of my Young
Onset Support Group, my physician, family and colleagues, I wouldn't be
without it.

I have been following the debate about who should post what and to whom
with interest and, lately, consternation. It is my sense that a number of
thoughtful PWP, medical professionals and others have "dropped off" because
of some of the nonsense and fully-repeated quotations of something that was
posted (or more likely re-posted) the day before. More than 3,000 lines
received in one day's Digest has to be excessive in anybody's book! "Just
hit delete" won't work with the Digest - you lose the whole day's postings.

I fully endorse Camilla's post of the 28th: "In the last 15 minutes I've
read a number of posts coming from very varied perspectives about the
"chatty" and "humorous" posts which primarily involve a very few of us....I
feel we should consider those whose time and money are limited, and who are
desperate for solid advice or a listening ear for their problems.  One
possible solution would be for the "happy few" to set up their own little
"distribution list... Is this a case of "moderation in all things?"

I enjoy a good joke as much as the next person, but IMHO advertising
(however thinly veiled), politicking (read lobbying), flirting and
egotistical grandstanding (and the aforementioned "chatty, humourous"
posts) have no place here. Change is inevitable, however I believe change
should always be in the positive direction. I'm unhappy to see the
deterioration in the TONE of the list over recent months and hope that
everyone will pay heed to the comments of so many like Camilla. I'd like to
recapture the "best little list in the world"!

+  Robin Ruffell, Victoria, B.C.  +    (} :)
+  email: [log in to unmask]  +