

Camilla... and "All"

You said:  "as Barb M's feeling that their banter is a useful escape valve for

her group of special friends."

I reiterate that I have no particular "group" of "special friends" from
amongst the PD list members.  I have NEVER, EVER referred to myself as having
a group of "special friends" on this list.  I like, enjoy, and respect a great
number of folks  who logon here.

There ARE individuals whom, of their own volition, post responses to some (but
not all) of my messages.  I presume member interaction amongst it's varied
users is still one of the purposes of this group?

Should one of my posts generate 10 or 12 or even more responses, I take no
responsibility whatsoever for what is said in those messages OR for the number
of responses..  IF they are written in jest, or anger or seriousness or in any
other context, THEIR content is solely the responsibility of the individual
who authored them..

To all who suggest those posting humorous messages to this group be
"involuntarily sentenced" to some distant corner of this "virtual room" so
what they say won't OFFEND a few members, or BORE a few members or COST a few
members a bit extra each month, I say those are EXCUSES for small minds that
are not looking at the big picture of what such "involuntary segregation"
would do to this group.

Of what purpose is it to all non-Americans to sit bound to their monitors
reading countless posts about the Udall Bill?  Maybe those people who
endlessly post about THAT should also go into a corner so they won't disturb
those of us who don't have the same dedication or interest in that issue?  Oh
yeah... let's not forget Ivan... HEY... so WHAT if he lost his home in a
tragic fire.. THAT isn't due to PD, so off to the corner with Ivan and anyone
who's going to post about or to him.   And then there's our members who
regularly post about their insomnia, their bowel movements (or lack thereof),
their on/offs, their depression.. BORRRing!  GO TO THE CORNER!   And before I
forget, Henry has to go to the corner for discussing his marital problems
here.  Scram, Henry!

I'd be ASHAMED to be part of a group that would FORCE  it's members who
occasionally use humor within the group proper as an outlet to deal with the
horrors of living with Parkinson's Disease to go under cover to use a sub-list
IF they felt moved to write a spontaneous humorous post.

And IF that "involuntary segregation" were to take place then the next group
of people that could be "involuntarily segregated" might be we Jews or perhaps
Catholics, or Gays and Lesbians, women over 50,  people of color... and THIS
is just for starters.

This ISN'T ABOUT HUMOR, folks.  It's about control.  It's about a few people
out of over 1500 who just WON'T accept the fact that there IS a delete key,
and no one's stopping them from USING it -- except themselves.  They'd rather
bitch, moan, whine and ACCUSE other list members of  the most petty set of
trumped up charges since those levied by the Romans against a certain Man 2000
years ago.

GET REAL!!  Have you forgotten that PARKINSON'S DISEASE is your enemy, rather
than your fellow list members?

Barb Mallut
"Lil_Honey" on the PD Chat
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From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Camilla Flintermann
Sent:   Tuesday, January 28, 1997 7:49 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        "Chatting/Humor/Varied tastes

In the last 15 minutes I've read a number of posts coming from very varied
perspectives about the "chatty" and "humorous" posts which primarily
involve a very few of us.  Obviously, we are not all going to agree on the
flavor this list should have--I did note that appeals for limiting the
volume of private chatting came from overseas as well as from several
persons in the US (and CA?)  I personally am by now less interested in the
cleverness of these posts--and I do delete them usually without reading, as
I haven't time to do otherwise. I am sure that others find them amusing and
that's fine with me....however, I feel we should consider those whose
time and money are limited, and who are desperate for solid advice or a
listening ear for their problems.  One possible solution would be for the
"happy few" to set up their own little "distribution list" (actually, that's
how CARE started till it got too big and went to the listserv)or even just
carbon copy each other--if others wanted to be in on the fun, they could ask
 be included, I suppose.  The humorous post about FAQs re: HMOs is a different
matter altogether--a one-time, funny post and easy to delete if one wishes to
Sure, we need to brighten our daysand lighten our spirits--and one size
won't fit all, unfortunately.  There was some talk earlier of having a
"moderated" list, which would put a big burden on Barbara Patterson--it's
really too large for that to be manageable. Better would be if we can find
some agreement on the "how to" of posting--we all have different needs and
erent interests, but the one BIG interest we have in common is PD.Some
use and enjoy the PD chat room, and others want the latest scientific scoop,
or a little of each. I wasn't surprised at Wolfgang's comments, and can
understand his problem, as well as Barb M's feelingthat their banter is a
useful escape valve for her group of special friends. How can we meet such
varied needs on a single list? Is this a case of "moderation in all things?"

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
[log in to unmask]
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"Ask me about the CARE list for PD caregivers!"
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