


I am feeling the need to state my position on the subject of list usage
and courtesy.  I have been a list member for one and a half years.  I
started out quite active trying to read everything and participate
actively.  After a few months because of some software problems and
overload as well as worsening of my PD and then later because of not
wanting to do anything to break the "Blind" of the study I and am in I
became a lurker.  I changed my method of receiving information to the
"digest" form which had the advantage of not making it impossible to
sort through my e-mail (non list items getting obscrued by list
postings) but had the disadvantage of it becoming extremely difficult to
sort through and pick and choose what I wanted to respond to.  In the
past several weeks I have gone back to receiving each item separately
and find myself more active both making private responses to listmembers
and public ones.  But sorting through 50-100 or more posts per day is
not easy.  I have gotten to the point that if I see certain names I
delete without reading even though sometimes those people have valuable
things to say. I know several people who have joined the list been
overwhelmed and intimidated by its size and dropped out.

There is definately a place for jokes, poetry and meeting people on the
list but given the size that we have reached I think that what I see as
the primary raison d'etre of the list- information exchange about PD
between PWP and our families getting swamped in a sea of "chat".  Simon
has been so kind as to set up the ability for other lists to be started.
For those people- which may at times include me- who want the "chat"
line approach consider setting up something through simon.

This list serves a valuable function for the PD community.  I think that
anyone who posts on this list more than 1-2 times a week should ask
themselves before they press the send button whether what they have to
say is likely to be relevant to 1,500 people who have been drawn
together by a common interset in Parkinson's Disease.  I try to think
about that carefully before deciding to give a personal reply or post
it (or a question) on the list. I am not advocating censorship just
common courtesy for 1500 people.

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