

Jon Meyer wrote re: his vomiting problem after one Permax

Jon, whilst it is likely that other dopamine agonists may make you vomit or
nauseous, there are some ways to prevent this.
Firstly, it should be taken after a meal.
Secondly, the anti-nausea drug called Domperidome or Motilium IS safe to
use prior to taking any medication for PD which may cause nausea, and
indeed it is used by some people who find levodopa makes them sick.  It is
especially valuable to use before people start apomorphine (either the
injections or sublingual forms).  Sometimes a course (a few days?) of
Motilium is used before starting on apomorphine, so I don't see why a
course could not be used before taking Permax.
I am not sure if you can get Motilium in the USA, but one can get it in
Canada, Australia and the UK I believe.
Don't give up on the Permax.  It is a useful adjunct for many people.  And
funnily enough, you may not have the same reaction the second time you try
it. There are some anticholinergics which work on different dopamine
receptors (Cabergoline) and a new anticholinergic called REQUIP
(Ropinirole) which has a non-ergoline structure, which may suit you better.
I have not heard of a reaction such as your severe tremors - I wonder if
these could be the result of an empty stomach causing a loss of all your
other medication? Or just a response to the vomiting?
 Joy Graham